Parlor Entertainment

While I was up at the Morris-Jumel Mansion I met this fabulous couple who own a building diagonally across the street from the mansion.  He, Kurt Thometz, runs a bookstore in their building, Jumel Terrace Books, and she, Camilla Huey, is a costume designer who is also researching Eliza Jumel (best not-yet-really-told story out there). Among the many things they turned me onto that after was Parlor Entertainment.

Every Sunday afternoon at 4pm, 555 Edgecombe Avenue, Apt. 3F, you can hear jazz for free (donations accepted). I went and had the one of the best afternoons EVER. There’s a lot of videos of them on YouTube, most are better than my out of focus effort. But it’s mine. The music was just amazing and this is only a taste. That woman at the end of my video sang a song so hauntingly beautiful I didn’t film it because I didn’t want to be distracted for a single second.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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2 thoughts on “Parlor Entertainment

  1. Thanks for the link!

    Yeah, I feel so lucky to have things like Parlor Entertainment to go to.

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