New Author Picture!!

I’m so excited, I have a new author picture!! On the one hand, I feel so exposed, this is me, this is what I look like now, but on the other hand, not bad for fifty-freaking-three.

The picture was taken by the fabulously talented and incredibly kind and generous Brad Paris.  He took my picture for the Tufts  alumni magazine, they’re doing a piece about Unbelievable (thank you, thank you, thank you), and he is letting me use this one from that session (Tufts chose a different shot).

I like this one because of the hint of a self-conscious smile from me.  It was taken in the garden behind the Morris-Jumel Mansion which I wrote about in the book.  I had my hair blown out, but I’m not wearing any makeup except a very subtle shade of lipstick, and liner on my lower eyelids, which I could have skipped, it doesn’t really show up.

I seriously need new jeans.  You can’t see but these are ripped to shreds, which is fine for hanging around I guess, but too sloppy for anything else.  And I’m making an appointment to get my hair cut.  That same cut just a few inches shorter.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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18 thoughts on “New Author Picture!!

  1. I disagree.
    Love, love the haircut (in fact, very similar to mine, but mine is a wee bit shorter).
    But I do agree about the picture. Very nice, Stacy.

  2. Great picture! Holy cow, I hope to look that good at 43, frankly, but I don’t think I’m going to make it.

    Why not try a haircut? Hair grows if you don’t like it shorter. I like the funky glasses too. Kudos to you and your photographer!

  3. Thank you for all the compliments!!

    The thing is, my hair NEVER looks like that! That is professionally blown out. When it’s a few inches shorter I can actually manage it myself better.

  4. Holy crap- 53?! I seriously thought you were in your early thirties or late twenties when I saw this pic! Crazy. Definitely one of the hottest 53 year olds I’ve seen. And another vote to not get your hair cut- very cute look. And I’m going to get your book- it looks like it will make a nice companion to Deborah Blum’s book about William James and other early psychical researchers.

  5. Lookin’ fine Stacy. Oh,hey, go check out the Banjo guy on Utube. He got his hearing restored!

  6. Stacy Horn: serious, with a touch of sauciness and just a hint of mischief. I like it.

    Sayaka Nakai, I have been very impressed with your command of English. You communicate like a native. Then I looked on the ASIOS site and saw that you not only are a translator, but you actually went to high school here in the US. So that explains why you write like a native. Because, in fact, you are!

    So here’s my question for you. What’s up with Miycki Hatoyama?

    She is the new first lady of Japan. And it looks to me like ASIOS is going to be pretty busy, because the new first lady says she was abducted by aliens 20 years ago. And she states that she knew Tom Cruise in a past life when he was Japanese. She wants to do a movie with him.

    And oh yeah, she states that she has been to Venus, and it is really nice and very green.

    So, Sayaka, can you give us any insight into this unusual First Lady?

  7. Ack!

    Thank you all again for the compliments! It’s nice to get them when you’re feeling all vulnerable!!

  8. Oh, thank you Greg. Don’t flatter me. It is true I am a part American at my heart but my English is not that perfect.

    And could you please drop a note to ASIOS that we can write you back? I don’t want to use this Stacy’s cozy blog for talking about complex spiritual and politic issue in Japan. It’s gonna be a long story.

  9. Writing this from 2020 this picture is now not as current. Having said that I think you looked fantastic. Your hair nicely frames your face. You look great for any age. I really believe that women get better with age. You get a glow that comes from within.

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