Ruby Slippers

If you grew up with the Wizard of Oz, you’re drawn to the ruby slippers. The allure cannot be denied. I could never even wear these, but there I was, stopped, staring and taking a picture.

I’m home waiting for a Fresh Direct delivery. In that delivery is a pumpkin pie, which I cannot wait to eat. Hurry Fresh Direct!! Please bring me my pumpkin pie!

UPDATE: It’s here!! I’m eating pie right now!!

UPDATE 2: I realized I had time to get uptown to the library and back before choir. Which I did! I’m back now.

I get this beautiful shot just looking up out of the subway at Christopher Street, at the lavender sky. I can’t wait to post it. It will be the next shot that goes up.

So I call up the library to make sure the thing I need is really there, because it’s kinda obscure and I think it might be offsite, and the finding aid I used didn’t say. Nope, it’s here, they assure me. You can already guess what happened when I got up there. It’s offsite. It’s not a problem really, I had other work to do and I don’t mind making another trip back.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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