Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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4 thoughts on “They’re on the way!

  1. OMG, send some to north Alabama! I’ll take one, my sister will take one too, promise!!! My min-pin, doxie AND 2 cats would have fun meeting a new, tiny companion.

    I’ve actually been looking for just such a cutie-pie toy pup. We seldom have those in Alabama shelters, mostly larger breeds. I DID try a larger dog; it did exactly as it wanted on walks, including dragging me along. I had to admit that I wasn’t able to handle him, but found him a good home anyway.

  2. Ohmygod. Shades of Paris Hilton.

    Seriously, Stacy, Finney will eat that dog alive. He and Buddy will do a tag team on that Chihuahua puppy!

  3. It’s true. They would be like monsters next to those little guys.

    Karen, that article may have talked me out of getting one. Just because of the money issue, alas. Money is tight these days.

    I say “alas” a lot, I just realized. I was about to say it twice in a row.

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