Okay, so we didn’t get gypped, turns out.

I decided to go caroling at Paddy O’Reilly’s and I head out and the mere dusting was turning into quite the snowfall. It was GREAT!!! Snow all over the place!! Blizzard-y!!

And caroling was so much fun. I really have to remember that choosing to go singing is never ever a bad choice. Especially in a bar. Or church. Interesting that those are the two best places, bars and churches.

I made a fort for my birds, but I’m still going to have to shovel that area this morning. The feeder inside is probably snow-free, but the fort around it is buried, I’m sure. I don’t have a snow shovel though. Hmm. Well, I find something.

Damnit. I was wondering why my pictures have come out so grainy the past couple of days and sure enough, one of the settings is wrong. And the movies I took last night didn’t come out because that setting was wrong, too. That keeps happening to me. I have to remember that these dials move if you so much as breath on them funny.

That, apparently, is the least of my worries. My building has NO HEAT OR HOT WATER RIGHT NOW!! I called the super, but if they have to get an oil truck here forget about it for today. Well, I’ve got a space heater. I’m going to relax with my coffee and then go out there!! I’ll get some daytime pictures of the snow while I run a couple of errands.


Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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2 thoughts on “Okay, so we didn’t get gypped, turns out.

  1. Greensboro got a grand total of four(!) inches late Friday and, of course, everything ground to a screeching halt. People panic and run to the grocery store beforehand to get six gallons of milk, ten loaves of bread and a case of toilet paper. All of the snow will be gone by tomorrow.

    I’m sending you pictures of the morning doves in the snow. Don’t worry, yours will be fine. I’m not so sure how you, Finney and Buddy will be without any hot water and heat, so I’ll send you warm thoughts along with the pics.

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