I don’t mean to pressure you 2010, but …

In a lot of ways 2009 really sucked (except I did have a new book come out, and while sales could have been better, every chance I get up at bat is a good thing). I don’t want to list all the ways 2009 sucked. I prefer to chalk it up to, ‘bad years, they happen,’ and move on.

Here is Finney on top of the tv in the sunlight. Whenever he sits in the sun I sing to him, “Finney in the sunlight, do-tah-do-tah-do. Finney in the sunlight, I’m so in love with you!”

Hell, I should be happy that someone hasn’t committed me by now. (More below …)


I went through my journal where among other things, I write about what made me happy that day. Here are some of the entries that stood out for me for whatever reason.

1/12: Confronted the thing that has scared me more than anything in the world and felt relief, victory walk.

1/20: Obama’s inauguration.

3/13: Book event went well, lots of people showed, an orange at the end of the night from Ruby.

3/20: Fabulous dinner at the Washington Duke (Sally Rhine Feather treated us).

5/29: Coming up with litterbox fix.

6/23: Looks like I might be okay (breast cancer scare).

7/4: Perfect weather for working at my desk, just enough money in the bank, party pictures.

7/14: Hair (the play), singing on stage, going with friends.

8/20: Went to DC for radio interview, quick nice visit with Art, clean house when I got back, pizza.

10/21: Got an offer for rights from Japan for Unbelievable.

10/24: New purse from Sharleen.

10/25: The event with the Aykrods went well, dinner afterwards.

10/31: Rain abandon (it rained on us at the Halloween parade), showering afterwards and feeling dry, Halloween movies.

11/17: Harmony (I got demoted to Soprano 2, but actually loved it).

Now get to work 2010!! I’m counting on you.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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