Look out Ralph Lauren!

They’re setting up downstairs for whatever Fox thing they’re going to shoot. If I’m up for it I’ll head down later. I’m mostly on the mend and today was the first day I’ve had a real appetite, and for foods I normally like. I can’t believe how long this is taking. I think of myself as being in the “healthy as a horse” category.

Check out this mass of vines trying to devour the Ralph Lauren store!


Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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6 thoughts on “Look out Ralph Lauren!

  1. Why? Why? Why? is there a Ralph Lauren store on the corner of Percy and Bleeker? I know, I know, you have addressed this before, but it kills me everytime. If I want Ralph Lauren I’ll go to 5th Avenue, or any outlet mall in anytown USA for that matter. *sigh*
    Glad you are feeling better though 🙂

  2. Hey Stacy, I checked out your memoir, “Waiting for My Cats to Die” from the library today. I’d read it some years ago, thought you sounded like the kind of person I would enjoy having as a friend. So, will enjoy reading it again.

    BTW, belated Happy New Year. I hope it’s better for all of us, and the entire country. Glad you’re on the mend.

    Stupid question from a southerner: How do you survive the cold winters? We’ve got temps below freezing for a couple days, and all I want to do is hibernate–like my cats and dogs. I wonder if cold climate critters are more resilient than their southern kin?

  3. Ha. FLEECE. I wear a fleece jacket under my winter coat, a fleece hat and fleece gloves. It’s the miracle fabric but ever since I discovered it I never get cold.

    I love the winter. It’s fun to be out in it (as long as you’re properly fleece-bundled) and it’s fun to be inside, curled up in a fleece blanket, knowing it’s outside and you’re all warm and cosy inside.

    And thanks for enjoying my memoir!! I hope this one I’m writing comes out as well.

  4. Looks like the perfect pterodactyl nest to me. Can’t you just picture one landing next to the store front? I can’t think of a better place to take photos of startled customers! Glad you are feeling better. Happy New Year from San Francisco!

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