Bad News

Buddy is at the vet now, getting a sonogram, and blood and urine tests. He’s in really bad shape. All his medications stopped working and he’s been throwing up and diarrhetic since around 4am.  And now he’s suddenly developed a serious heart murmur.

Meanwhile, in an effort to bulk Buddy up (who lost a pound and a half in the past two weeks) I’ve made Finney as big as a house and I’ve probably given him diabetes. Here he is peering down from the armoire.

So I’m a wreck with worry. Poor Buddy.  He was so sick and miserable he wouldn’t even eat babyfood.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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7 thoughts on “Bad News

  1. I’m so sorry that Buddy’s so miserable…we’re all pulling for Buddy and for you.

  2. Stacy, I am so sorry. I am holding Buddy in my prayers. I know you must be very worried. Please try to take care of yourself.

  3. Thank you everyone. I’m so upset and I’m upset about the money and upset that I’m upset about the money.

  4. Stacy-
    Doesn’t it just amaze you how fast they can go from doing “okay”, to just horribly sick and doing terrible?! It is so unsettling and you just feel so out of control about it. Poor you and Buddy. The money part is so very hard, but don’t beat yourself up about worrying about it and feeling guilty. You’ll make yourself more anxious and crazy than you already are about this whole situation. You’ll make the right decisions. Hopefully, with the biopsy, gulp, they will be able to pin down better what the heck is going on and it will be something you and your vet can work on together to get him back to being well again. Sorry you’re going through this. Take care……

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