It’s a Better Day

Things are improving at Casa Crazy Cat Lady. A few hours after fluids and a Pepcid (and about a thousand other drugs) Buddy drank water on his own. A few hours after that he ate babyfood. He hasn’t voluntarily done that in three days, so there was much rejoicing over here. “Who’s the greatest eating cat in the whole wide world? You are!”

When he was done he was curling up and begging for pets and I spent a few hours with him back in the bedroom, where he insisted we be. I watched tv on the inferior tv (the good tv is in the livingoom) and he was purring, purring, purring.

I almost don’t want to give him his tramadol, the pain killer, because he will be out of it, and he seems so much better. But cats tend to hide discomfort, and he just had abdominal surgery on Wednesday and he does have lymphoma, so he must be uncomfortable.

Here he is right now, taking his post breakfast nap on the couch, on the comforter I spread out for him. I have to go out and run errands so I’ll take pictures of something other than my sick cat.


Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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5 thoughts on “It’s a Better Day

  1. That is so great to hear Stacy! Whew! Hopefully, he will keep it up and feel better & get stronger so he’s ready (and you are too)to tackle the next stage of his recovery. It certainly does sound hopeful. Enjoy your better day.

  2. Glad to hear he’s doing a little better. It’s hard when pets are sick because you can’t explain stuff to them 🙁

  3. Thank you!

    I took him to the vet and the vet removed the catheter, so he’s very happy. It was bugging him. And the vet said I can stop the tramadol, which I was glad about. I didn’t want to withhold it if he needed it, but he was eating better and seemed happier when it wore off.

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