
The oncologist said I need to give the chemotherapy a month. But Buddy only ate a little today and minutes ago he completely diarrhetic. That said, he does seem better to me. He’s out and about more. Here he was earlier today for instance, sitting my lap looking at … YOU!

Chemo Cat is still beautiful.

Tomorrow I’m going to buy Meow Mix as Citizen Reader suggested. Oh, and he ate some of the Friskies that Melissa suggested. He licked the sauce part and left the rest. It’s something.


Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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5 thoughts on “Patience

  1. I second the suggestion of Fancy Feast, but be prepared to never go back to anything else! That brand has so many to choose from and several with lots of gravy. They have a higher priced version called Elegant Medleys. The meat is more minced I think and there are some with greens, rice and the ever popular gravy. My cats loved a dollop of plain yogurt every now and then, but probably not a good idea with the diarrhea.

  2. I’m going back today to get an even wider variety, plus the Meow Mix.

    I was thinking about the fact that he may never go back. It’s a drag because I have to separate the cats now to feed them. But he has cancer. If he never goes back, well, in the long run I guess it doesn’t matter.

  3. Some cats are weird about sauce/shreds. Java will only lick off the sauce and leave the shreds…therefore, he only gets the ones called “Classic” [aka “Gourmet Feast” in the old packaging] (as opposed to “Sliced,” “Shredded,” etc.).

    He eats the Tender Beef Feast, Savory Salmon Feast, Chopped Grill Feast, CodSoleShrimp Feast, and Salmon & Shrimp Feast. He disdains the turkey and chicken feasts, which is funny because his favorite food in the world is turkey. Besides meringue cookies, that is.

    The yogurt might actually help, if he’ll eat it – he needs to repopulate his digestive tract with good bugs. There are capsules you can empty/mix into the food. [Oy – every time I post I feel like I’m emptying your wallet.]

  4. BTW, the diarrhea might never completely go away…he’s still got IBD, and our vet (who’s cat also has IBD) said that you’ll always have periods of diarrhea. That’s been the case with Java. The goal is just to keep food in him. We don’t know why, but he’s been eating us out of house and home the past 3 weeks. Eating more than eliminating, so there you go.

  5. I’m going to try a bunch of things for the IBD, the probiotic, omega 3, something called Gastriplex.

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