The Birds are Getting BOLD

Had I just a little more patience I could have gotten an amazing shot. While I was filling the feeder they kept flying up to me and then inches from my face they’d stop short and hover in the air, wings flapping. They were probably like, “Woah. That seemed like a good idea at the time.”

I’ll try to get a shot of that tomorrow. These guys are on the building behind mine. See the guys one building beyond that coming in?


This guy to the right was about two feet away, sitting on the fire escape for my building.


Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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2 thoughts on “The Birds are Getting BOLD

  1. “If you feed, they will come.” So very true — and I’m becoming the local buffet destination for stray cats in my neighborhood since I created a cat-feeding area. I’ve spotted some gorgeous cats who were slinking around starved-looking when I moved in two months ago. Now they are all becoming porkers, especially a half-grown black cat that was pitifully skinny first time I saw him.

  2. Oh I am so glad you’re feeding those cats. That would have killed me, to see those skinny hungry cats and I just feel so much better knowing that people like you exist.

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