My Internet Connection Was Down

And I couldn’t upload cat pictures. KILLED ME.

This is from a series of Buddy lounging in odd places. Like this place. It’s on top of a thin, almost 5 foot tall cabinet that sits in the bedroom. Why? It’s a small, hard spot in a room with so many soft, comfy spots. There’s no room, he’s in danger of falling. Why??


This spot I get. It’s in a small cabinet. It’s box-like which we all know cats can’t resist. This by the way is where I store office supplies. Notice how uncluttered it is! (Because of my recent purge, all cabinets, drawers, shelves, everywhere, looks like that.)


Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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4 thoughts on “My Internet Connection Was Down

  1. “Quake with terror, I am the fearsome Godzilla!”

    Buddy… “Have you seen what we do to lizards?”

  2. Hahaha.

    And his coat is amazing because of the omega 3/fish oil I started giving him a month ago!

  3. “Listen up Godzilla, when she leaves with that camera, you can resume scratching my glossy coat” Buddy meows and the words continue after his mouth closes…

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