Weird Fire Yesterday

This was the scene. Tons of trucks, and two ladders, and one with a basket going up to the top floor. But there no sign of a fire and no reason I could see why the people couldn’t exit the building normally. Close-up shot below.


I zoomed in on the window the basket went up to.

You can’t tell because it’s so out of focus, but this woman was holding a dog.

She spent some time talking with the firefighter, and I wondered briefly if this was a jumper situation, but that didn’t make sense either.

Not with this many trucks, and there were a bunch of guys on the roof with those things, I forget what they’re called. It begins with an “h”.

So who knows?  I had to leave for the dentist.  But it was very strange.

It’s Like We’re Not the Same Species

Jane Gilsenan, who lived to be 111, just died. She was interviewed last month and when asked if she had any tips for living so long she said, “I have none, and I wouldn’t give them away because I wouldn’t wish it on anybody.”

WHAT?? WHAT?? I want to live forever and when forever is done I want to do it again. Not Jane. She said, “I can’t say I regret it, but I wouldn’t want to do this again.”

I just don’t get that. Blows my mind. The full article is here, with pictures. I’m hardly the Pollyanna type, in fact I think a lot about life and people suck, and I’ve had to endure some nearly unendurable things. Who hasn’t? But there’s enough to make it worthwhile. More than worthwhile. Maybe extreme old age is a lot worse than I think.

A building I shot walking along the river. Don’t those poles remind you of the masts on a ship?


My Internet Connection Was Down

And I couldn’t upload cat pictures. KILLED ME.

This is from a series of Buddy lounging in odd places. Like this place. It’s on top of a thin, almost 5 foot tall cabinet that sits in the bedroom. Why? It’s a small, hard spot in a room with so many soft, comfy spots. There’s no room, he’s in danger of falling. Why??


This spot I get. It’s in a small cabinet. It’s box-like which we all know cats can’t resist. This by the way is where I store office supplies. Notice how uncluttered it is! (Because of my recent purge, all cabinets, drawers, shelves, everywhere, looks like that.)


Sad Picture

I was walking along 14th Street the other week and I passed by the designer Alexander McQueen’s store and saw this in the window (he committed suicide). Sad.


A Nice New Shiny Paperback

In case there is someone left on the planet I haven’t told, the paperback of my book Unbelievable: Investigations into Ghosts, Poltergeists, Telepathy and Other Unseen Phenomena from the Duke Parapsychology Laboratory came out today.


You can buy it here!

This is the slightly different cover. It has a new P.S. section, where I tell a couple of ghost stories, (one of which I’ve already posted on the Unbelievable blog) recommend other books to read on this subject (with explanations as to why I’ve recommended the ones that I have) and I also try to correct the bleak impression I gave at the end of the book about the field of parapsychology.

I’ve scheduled my first reading, and there’s information about that on the blog.

So this is a good day! I’m pretty sure I’m allowed to buy cake on the way home from choir practice tonight. Or something in the cake family.

Is there such a thing as cake ice cream?