Bones, I Don’t Know

Last night’s Bones episode: There was a lot to love about it, and the end was very exciting, but ultimately it got me mad. Come on. We know she’s capable of love so her response just wasn’t believable. It wasn’t even human. And Seeley would not have given up so easily. I believe she’d be scared and resistant, but I think by now they both understand why (abandonment issues) and she’s gotten to know him well enough and more importantly, to completely trust him, and he’s ready to help her.

I’m happy to see how this plays out, but I feel a bit jerked around. They’re ready. That aside it was still an exciting episode from start to finish. It just moved well, unfolded well, it was pretty perfect. It was a wonderful instance of writers, director, actors and everyone else involved coming together exactly right. And I LOVED the backstory. Last night made me fall in love with the characters and the show all over again. (Oh, Zack.) So good job everyone. (But for the love of God, get those two together.)

I took a bunch of pictures last night and most of them didn’t come out and the ones that did aren’t great. I will try again tonight.


Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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3 thoughts on “Bones, I Don’t Know

  1. I was a little disappointed by Bones as a whole… Great to see Zach…and I thought Bones didn’t meet that lawyer lady till the New Orleans ep but whatever…
    I could see them leading up to a hook-up of sorts between Booth and Bones and was not happy at all when they kissed!! I believe that the words outta my mouth were “oh good gawd, it’s Moonlighting all over again!” They do not need to go down that path…it ended too quickly!
    … … ok, ranting is over! Congrats on the book deal! 🙂

  2. Thank you!

    And I don’t think anytime characters get together it has to be what happened with Moonlighting. It’s weird, it’s just fiction, it’s not real. Why do I care?? But it doesn’t look like they’re getting together anytime soon in any case.

  3. Hehe! What can I say, I like the show the way the cast is now, LOL! I’m a hoarder of good shows… they are few and far in between!

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