Happy Birthday to me!

I’m already late for work, I have to run. This is a view from my publisher’s office. I have things to say about my new publisher, but later!! I’m sick as a dog on my birthday! So no fair. All the things I planned for my two days off I had to postpone. So next week will have to be my pampering week. Which is fine!


Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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13 thoughts on “Happy Birthday to me!

  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR STACY! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU – So sorry you are sick on your BD – boy sick on your BD and sick at Christmas -hopefully this year will be better.

  2. Happy birthday wishes, Stacy, despite feeling so sick! Here’s to a happy, healthy week of celebration next week!

  3. Happy Birthday to you, sorry you’re ill. Take care of yourself, and plan for the pampering to come soon. Will be interesting to learn how you like having a new publisher.

  4. And let me add another Happy Birthday along with hope that you will feel well by your days off to celebrate.
    Looking forward to your new book. Are you going to set up a new blog for it so we can follow it’s progress?

  5. “Happy Birthday to You” from San Francisco! Hope you are feeling better soon to celebrate. Nice view from your new publisher’s office. Thank you for your blog which I enjoy reading on my lunch break at work. It is always entertaining! All the best to you.

  6. Happy B-day. My B-day is this month and my boss has her B-day today. Sorry you are not feeling well but birthdays are like that line from the Pink Floyd song “Time”. “You’re one step closer to death”.

  7. Happiest of Birthdays to you! May you have many kitty hugs in yer future!

  8. Hey Stacy, Happy Birthday, kid!

    It’s not every day a girl turns 25.

    Many, many happy returns.

  9. Hahaha. Thank you everyone! Lucinda, I did see that article and saved it. It made me so happy just reading it. I’m looking forward to my next fifty years.

    Tom, I’ll be blogging about the new book here as I write it. Then, when it comes out I’ll set up something separate for it.

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