Look at Who’s Sporting the Shaved Belly Look!

Finney is back from the vet and his sonogram.  I won’t know the results until tomorrow, but the crystals they were looking for were not immediately apparent.  The technician said there was some thickening and irritation, but the vet still has to look and assess. Finney seems better to me but he seemed better the last time. I think they’re so freaked out about being to the vet they hide their symptoms. I got more pain meds though, just in case.

Check out Buddy’s restrained response below.


This is the one with cancer! But he still has the energy to play and fight. I want a vacation when this is all over. I’ll settle for the movies. There was something good opening soon, I forget what it was. Thank you for cat lugging Howard!


Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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3 thoughts on “Look at Who’s Sporting the Shaved Belly Look!

  1. Buddy’s probably either commiserating with Finney or gloating over that whole shaved belly thing and demonstrating it in the only way that cats seem to express their affections for each other most of the time…a little playful confrontation. Keeping my fingers crossed for Finney and his return to health soon.

  2. I think Finney brought home the strange smells from the Vet & Buddy is showing how he doesn’t like it. When we had 2 and 3 cats at a time, the poor returning & recovering cat also had to contend with another one hissing or lashing out at home just like this. Hoping for good news and less stress to you, dear wonderful cat mom.

  3. Thank you! And yeah, every time a cat goes to the vet it’s hissing when he gets back.

    And thank you Mavis!

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