Mondays Are My Fridays

I’ve been compiling a list of books I need to read which can’t be taken out of the library. You have to use them there. The list is so long now I’ll have to live at the library for a month straight. Seriously, it’s insane. What’s more insane is each book might only provide one tiny fact or quote, and I’ll spend a week for what might end up being a paragraph or two or three.

I took these pictures the other day, on my way home. A storm kept threatening, but it never quite happened. This is 13th Street, there’s an organic supermarket there.


This is 7th Avenue. I’m almost home.


Looking north on my roof.


And looking south! I loved the silver of whatever these things are again the gray.


Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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5 thoughts on “Mondays Are My Fridays

  1. They’re vents. And if you’re wondering which direction they turn, they vent that a way.

  2. Glad you got home without getting drenched! Love the pictures. Let me ask you this:
    Does it ever get old being able to see the Empire State Building from where you live? To me, in ye olde Midwest, that seems just SO COOL.

    And thank you for putting in all the work on your paragraphs and research, even if it is a drag. It’s why your books are so great.

  3. Boy, I’m in accordance with CR (and CR, please, please, blog again soon. I need some more book recommendations). What a cool shot of the Empire State Building!

  4. You’re an indefatigable researcher. That’s probably why your books have so many intriguing facts.

    I thought of you earlier today when they said that after the census workers complete their jobs, unemployment is going to shoot up again.

    But whatever the heck, you’ll be out of the office and back pursuing the things that really interest you.

  5. True.

    And no, it never gets old. I always pause after feeding the birds and I just look around. I should take a picture showing the true distance between my building and the Empire State Building. It’s not hugely far away, about 25 blocks uptown and a few avenues over.

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