More Good News About Middle Age

Okay, it’s a good news/bad news thing. As I posted earlier, I’m reading a book called The Secret Life of the Grown-Up Brain by Barbara Strauch. I’ve started the chapters about things you can do that are good for the brain, things that will help generate new brain cells, protect against the effects of Alzheimer’s, enhance cognitive function, etc.

She quotes scientist after scientist who basically say some form of this: “We know from all this research that there are a few good things for the brain—and one is exercise [but only after watching tv for five hours straight].”

(I made an editorial suggestion for that quote, take it or leave it science.)

The thing is, when you read the entire chapter it’s very convincing. That’s not the right word, because I didn’t need convincing. Inspiring? Because after reading about all the different studies in depth and about all the effects of exercise, you’ll want to exercise. Just 30 minutes a day. Walking counts.

Guys with machine guns heading into Starbucks to grab a cup of coffee. (I don’t know where they were headed.)


Two Young Men Killed Here

It happened early this morning. I passed by on my way back from the dentist. (This is 19th and Broadway.)

The Daily News has a quote from a Verizon technician who had been working nearby. “I just heard someone screaming at the top of their lungs after the shots were fired. People started getting really distraught after they heard who got killed. One guy got really upset and picked up a garbage can and threw it at a cop car.”


Stacy Tweaks Her Life. Just a Smidgen.

Last night I was upset about a billion little things, and I was also sick and tired of being upset about a billion little things. I’ve decided I need to come up with a plan to tweak my life to address the things that repeatedly bother me. Not a major reinvention. I need something that feels more within reach. So I’m calling it a tweaking. Plan to come.

This is the Jane Street Garden, at Hudson and Jane Streets. I was taking a picture of the garden but my eye goes straight to the little dog. Awww.


Too Lazy for Free Stuff

When I passed through Union Square just now there were a bunch of booths set up and hosted by a magazine called Shape. Some were giving away free stuff, but I was too lazy to figure out what I needed to do to get free stuff. It could have been as simple as going up to them and saying, “Hi! Can I have free stuff please?”

However, I was completely ignored by all the Shape representatives, so I’m guessing I’m not in their demographic. Or the right shape. Plus, I wasn’t wearing pink. THAT THEY COULD SEE.

That guy on the right is a bit a of Josh Hartnett look alike, isn’t he?


Autumn Roof

Someone I know has started a business selling bath products called Autumn Roof.

I know these are going to be good because she totally gets the whole bath pampering thing. She respects the power of the bath. (We both have always loved Lush and have our favorite Lush products so I’m very very very curious to see what she comes up with.)

That first link is to the Etsy store, but the main web page that explains the products is here. It seems like they’re just gearing up now. It says everything is beta, but it looks like there are products in the store. I’m going to bookmark and check back periodically. Good luck Autumn Roof!!