I’m so stressed out my head might explode.

Yesterday was supposed to be such a nice day. Then my computer wouldn’t come back from installing updates and the whole rest of the day right up until an 8pm radio interview I had scheduled was spent in recovery mode.

Then, during the interview my brain refused to wrap itself around the word “electro-magnetism.” I couldn’t pronounce it! For the love of Christ. I had to go with, “you know the word I mean.”

So no work done yesterday, no play. I’m trying to recover some piece of mind today. But the computer is still a little weird, the chapter I’m working on is hard, money is still an issue, how am I going to research and write, AND make a living, AND run Echo (okay, that doesn’t take a lot of time) and and and and and … deep breath.

The capper for my day is a dentist appointment tonight at 6 for the final round of planing and scaling. I will cry. My poor student dentist will curse her luck at getting me.

Buddy the chemo-cat has no problem chilling out. Thank God the cats are stable.


Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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2 thoughts on “I’m so stressed out my head might explode.

  1. I hate days/nights like that! Sorry about the ‘puter problems, and hope the dentist trip isn’t too painful! Argh! Hang in there.

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