Time Warner Cable Problem

I thought I’d bring this up here in case someone else had this problem and knows the solution.

I have Time Warner Cable of NYC. At night my picture freezes and pixelates to the point of being unwatchable, but in the morning it’s fine. On Monday night, when it was happening, I had scheduled a Time Warner appointment for Tuesday morning, but I cancelled it because the picture was fine when I woke up. But last night it was back!

So I scheduled an appointment for this morning, but sure enough this morning the picture is fine again. I’m not canceling this time, but there’s nothing for the Time Warner tech to see.

What could cause the problem to only happen at night?

And here are more fall leaves, at night, while my picture horribly pixelates.


Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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3 thoughts on “Time Warner Cable Problem

  1. Hi Ms. Horn– My name is Phil Blum, I’m a customer service manager for Time Warner Cable. Let me apologize for the service issues you are having. You should absolutely keep that appointment– even if the issue isn’t happening when the tech is there, he or she may be able to see if there are signal problems, or an issue with the box. If you have any further problems or questions, feel free to email us at twcable.help@twcable.com. You can also hit us up on Twitter– our care team is @TWCableHelp. Thanks!

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