
I was a little concerned about my spot for the performance. I am in the very last row and the last one on the left. My first reaction when I saw my assigned position was, “He hates my voice and wants it to be far away from him as possible.” Between me and the last person on the right, it isn’t possible to get any further away!

Except there were people with gorgeous voices all around me, so maybe it wasn’t the horrible-voice section. And it turned out I’m not that far away. This is the view from where I stand. I took this while people were lining up. (We’re not all there yet there’s 152 of us.) Even if it was the worst spot in the world, I can’t complain. Every concert someone has to be in the worst spot in the world, and I’ve had some great spots in the past. I was due.


Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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