Lower East Side

My family is doing a grab bag for Christmas with a $10 limit. Turns out, you can’t get a lot for $10. Especially when you took a freelance job that needs to be done by Christmas and you don’t have time to ponder it and shop. So I came up with an idea and ran over to the Lower East Side to get it. (Can’t say what until after Christmas!)

This is the Katz’s Deli that was in the movie When Harry Met Sally (“I’ll have what she’s having.”) It’s looking a little sad. But when I’ve eaten here it was amazing. The best brisket I’ve ever had. Oh! I’ve always tried to remember when I became a vegetarian. It happened when I stumbled across a show on Manhattan Cable where they showed how animals are slaughtered. I watched maybe 10 seconds and have been a vegetarian ever since. I could never remember when that was, but I know I was in my 30’s when I last ate at Katz’s.


Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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