
Yesterday I tweeted, “I was thinking, when these cats die, I should do something … drastic with my life. Move to another country. Take a year long road trip.” Seriously though, being alone has many downsides, but one upside is total freedom. I should use it. I could wander all over the world for the rest of my life. As long as I can figure out how to support myself along the way.

I took a picture of this billboard just a week or two ago and Anthony Hopkins was up there. Now it’s scary Little Red Riding Hood? Oh, there is a movie called Red Riding Hood coming out.


Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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2 thoughts on “Change

  1. I used to think the same thing. Catless now, but still sitting in one spot not going anywhere. Of course, I couldn’t support myself like you might be able to so that is a negative right there. I thought you didn’t like to fly though? By ship or train perhaps? That might give you some book or story material. I think you like your local travels quite a bit though. You would probably miss it.

  2. I don’t fly, so I would be traveling very SLOWLY. And yeah, I haven’t quite worked out how I would support myself and pay for all this.

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