A Peek into Secret Not-Quite Gardens

I’ve got a pretty decent panoramic view from the roof of my building. I can see the Empire State Building, the Hudson River, downtown, and so on. But it’s also fun to look down, where I can see into several backyards. This is one to the west.  It’s not very green, is it? I would make this more of a garden if this were mine.  But maybe they’re all renters and they can’t. If I move my camera a little to the right …

… I get more of a Rear Window-type view. Everyone has a terrace! There’s no one there now, but when the weather gets warm, as it’s starting to, there will be more life in the back, and parties. I live in the front though, so I can only see when I’m on the roof. I’m not Jimmy Stewart with a telescope/camera. I can’t tell you anything about my backyard neighbors. I’m sure they’re all very lovely people. Not a murderer among them.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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4 thoughts on “A Peek into Secret Not-Quite Gardens

  1. How about dropping a couple of seed bombs into the not-so-green garden no. 1? Lots of directions for making them on-line. I have always wanted to throw a few but don’t really know where I’d throw them.

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