My Birthday Week

This week I turn WAY OLDER. What shall I do for myself? I wish Super 8 was opening this weekend, then there would be nothing to decide. Lately I’ve had the strongest urge to go swimming. I probably wouldn’t last very long, I’d get out of breath quickly, and I don’t own a bathing suit, but I just feel like doing it. I wish I knew someone who had a pool.

Buddy, my beautiful cancer boy. He is still doing amazingly well. He was diagnosed what? A year and a half ago? And he’s still going strong.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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7 thoughts on “My Birthday Week

  1. Do you hear that Buddy! The internet and Melissa have declared you AWESOME. (Thank you!)

  2. Happy Birthday!

    The only consolation I can offer you is the satisfaction that I privately receive when I mull over the fact that girls who dumped me are now eligible for social security. Ha!

    Buddy seems to be developing a vaguely oriental, sage-like countenance. His appearance suggests one who is observing life with a certain detached wisdom.

  3. Congrats to Buddy for being a survivor, and for your intervention to give him a longer life.

    Happy Birthday! I’ll be 60 next December, and actually looking forward to it; will be able to start receiving late husband’s SSI, which will help me financially. Especially with everything getting more expensive!

  4. NICE. I mean, not nice the reason for getting it, of course, but nice to get the financial help.

    Thank you, Greg!

  5. Go Buddy! He looks great — you’ve obviously done all the right things for him. My kitties all tip their invisible kitty hats to him.

    I just turned 48 last week and I have to say, it feels like a really good number. I probably wouldn’t be saying that if life sucked, obviously — I’m not that existential — but life is good and 48 feels fine and I’m finally at an age where I can say “I don’t suffer fools gladly” with a straight face. / = priceless.

  6. Hi Lisa! 48 is a GREAT age!! And thanks for saying Buddy looks great. I just told him you said so.

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