Happiness Video Found

I’ve posted before about a video I watched that suggested doing five things every day for 21 days and you’d be happier. It worked for me and I continue to do the five things to this day, except for me it was four. I messed up writing them down and ended up combing two things into one.

I’ve tried many times to find the video again, but I was never successful until yesterday. Here it is. And these are the five things.

– Write down three new things you are grateful for each day.
– Journal (his word not mine) about one positive experience you’ve had that day.
– Exercise.
– Meditate.
– Do one random act of kindness.

Here’s what I did. You can see how my first thing is a mash-up of his first two. But it worked, probably because it’s so close.

– Write down three new things that made you happy that day.
– Exercise.
– Meditate.
– Do one random act of kindness.

I know you’re looking at those first two things on his list and thinking “gag me,” but watch the video and listen to his explanation for suggesting them.

A garden at the end of an alley. Where I’d be having my coffee if this were my courtyard.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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6 thoughts on “Happiness Video Found

  1. Here’s my random act for you – my patio looks very much like that courtyard with the exception of the ivy and so you are invited any time you like to come and drink sweet iced tea (I don’t drink coffee, sorry) with me.

    Come to North Carolina!

  2. He does! I think it’s because they only give you so much time and he wanted to be sure to get all his points in.

  3. Karen, what a nice offer, I’m sure I will make it down to North Carolina again, and I will definitely come for tea!!

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