Irene Hurricane Update

Well, North Carolina got it a lot worse than we did. I was looking forward to a good storm, but once I realized how vulnerable I am in this old, rickety apartment, I’m glad I didn’t see the Wicked Witch zooming by on her bicycle.

The news is saying the worst isn’t over, the eye hit Manhattan just a few minutes ago, but it’s not even raining hard. I don’t know what to believe. I was walking on the roof looking for a good shot (there wasn’t one) and the wind was nothing. The lightning last night was the scariest part, because there was still the potential of it developing into something. Tornado watch!

It looks like there was some flooding and power outage on Long Island, waiting for the Suffolk Horns to check in.

I am so glad that just before I went to sleep I thought to put plastic out on my desk. That turned out to be a good idea.

Rain on the Desk

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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6 thoughts on “Irene Hurricane Update

  1. North Carolina’s coast got more rain. North Carolina’s Piedmont (where Nadine and I live) got sprinkles and some breezes. That was it.

    Is that from your window or your ceiling? Of course, next time you get a hurricane or tropical storm, if it is your window, you could just put up plastic over the window.

    Here’s hoping that is the extent damage that you get from the storm.

  2. Good to hear you’ve made it through OK. Been watching coverage all morning on CNN & thinking of you!

  3. That was from the window. I needed to keep it open because it was still warm out, but that was the extent of my damage, happily.

  4. We are ok – just still don’t have power -Doug and Robin also. Little water in the basement but other than that fine. Could have been a lot worse. Glad you are fine also.

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