The 9/11 Kids

This article is not for the faint of heart. It’s the former kindergarteners of P.S. 150 talking about what they remember from 9/11.

It was interesting reading about the one continually drawing the towers. When I was volunteering at St. Paul’s Chapel we’d get drawing of the towers by the thousand, many pretty gruesome. I wanted to keep them all but I felt it would be wrong to take them, that they belonged to everyone, although I did keep a few.

I took this last week. This man was blowing bubbles and this little girl stopped for a closer look. I like the guy in the blue tshirt reaching out to catch one.

Blowing soap bubbles on 14th Street

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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2 thoughts on “The 9/11 Kids

  1. Sad, but enlightening! When I was at the newspaper, sometimes we’d ask grammar school teachers to pose a question to their class, and have the students write the answers. Then the teacher would send us the answers; as the Lifestyle Editor, I’d choose the ones to print. But it was always amazing how much kids really do KNOW; even if they can’t articulate it clearly, there’s the sense of how they instinctively understand major life events.

    It seems unbelievable that it’s been ten years since that awful event. I still remember how stunned my late husband and I were; we had been getting ready to go on vacation, and cancelled our plans, just unable to comprehend what happened. I think that tragedy really brought ALL Americans together in a way we have not experienced since then, but it’s sad it took such a tragedy to do that.

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