9/11 BBQ

I’m so tired, I have to crash, but I just got back from the barbecue for volunteers, 1st responders and recovery workers. That’s 1 World Trade Center rising up behind the trees. I’m at the end of one of the lines for food. This is the cemetery in the back of St. Paul’s Chapel.

I’ll be back with more pictures tomorrow. Actually, probably the day after tomorrow. I’ll be tied up all day and I’ll probably come home and go right to sleep.

I just started watching 9/11 as it Happened on MSNBC, but when the second plane hit that was it for me. I decided I need to watch something as far as possible from 9/11 which turns out to be The Wedding Planner.

9/11 Barbecue for 9/11 Community

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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