Choir Resumes Tomorrow

Music returns to my life, thank god. We’re doing a mostly a cappella concert which will include Randall Thompson’s Peaceable Kingdom, which I love. That reminds me, I heard the Trinity Choir this weekend. Holy shit. Those people are good. They sang Bach’s O ewiges Feuer, o Ursprung der Liebe, which is probably very famous, but I’d never heard it before. Seriously that is one amazing choir. If you ever have the opportunity to hear them take it. After taking the opportunity to hear the Choral Society of Grace Church, of course.

This was the NYPD corralling pedestrians on Church Street. I hate when they do this. I never feel more unsafe as when I’m rounded up like this. I feel trapped and that if anything bad happens I’m screwed. I’ll get trampled before I have a chance to get out.

NYPD Corralling Pedestrians

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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2 thoughts on “Choir Resumes Tomorrow

  1. Ugh. Those types of corrals make me nuts too. Perhaps they’re trying to instill that feeling of “trapped” and “unsafe” in people so they’re less likely to start a disturbance? I’d be interested to know the reasoning here. I know my cop brother-in-law says horses are a lot more effective for crowd control than squad cars or trucks, because people are just never sure how a horse is going to react and are therefore on better behavior. Maybe it’s the same kind of theory.

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