Holiday Cleaning Begins!

It’s a little early, but the timing worked out so that this weekend is the weekend that is best. Soon, my apartment will be the cleanest apartment in the whole wide world ever in all time including the future.

I’m a little late getting started because I left the house late for swimming. I almost didn’t go, but I am so glad I did. The pool was warmer than usual, and toward the end there was only three of us in the entire pool. We each had a lane to ourselves and it was so lovely and warm and serene. If you can picture it, there I was, doing the back stroke at a nice lazy pace, la-la-la, I’m floating along, la-la-la, not a care in the world, nope, not me, la-la-la.

It’s space heater time in NYC. Finney has a bit of a David Bowie thing going on with his eyes (due to the flash). The heat went on for the first time yesterday so I’ll be bringing out the humidifier today as well.

Finney and the Space Heater

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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