It’s Going to be a Busy Day for Occupy Wall Street

They have a lot planned, I read. They must be down at Wall Street now, I can hear the buzzing of helicopters (which can’t be possible, they’re a mile away). I should turn on the news. I can’t get down there myself, but there’s a rally at 5pm in Foley Square. My friend Chris (we’ve known each other since we were 13!) is visiting, maybe she’ll be up for checking it out.

Update: We have to go to Foley Square!! There will be singing! From their website:

DINNER: Take The Square – 5:00 p.m.

At 5 pm, tens of thousands of people will gather at Foley Square (just across from City Hall) in solidarity with laborers demanding jobs to rebuild this country’s infrastructure and economy. A gospel choir and a marching band will also be performing.

Afterwards we will march to our bridges. Let’s make it as musical a march as possible – bring your songs, your voice, your spirit! Our “Musical” on the bridge will culminate in a festival of light as we mark the two-month anniversary of the #occupy movement, and our commitment to shining light into our broken economic and political system.

An explosion of gingko leaves on my block. I took this last night heading home from my monthly MBSR meditation group.

Autumn Gingko Leaves on Perry Street New York City

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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2 thoughts on “It’s Going to be a Busy Day for Occupy Wall Street

  1. No, my friend was just way too tired. She’d been working and lugging heavy stuff around all day.

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