A Disturbing Story

I have to post about this story I just read about on Gothamist. On January 8, a man named Steven Santiago saved the life of a drunk guy named Jonathan Parisen who fell on the train tracks in Staten Island.

Steven Santiago died, and according to an article I just read, Jonathan Parisen has yet to contact the family to thank them or Steven. When told about Steven’s death, Parisen tweeted, “I was just informed that Steven Santiago passed away today. My prayers go out to Steven and his family. God bless.”

That’s it. Not a lot of emotion there.

Perhaps his lawyer has advised him to say little and to not contact the family. But if someone saved my life and was now in the hospital fighting for their life I would be in a near-constant state of worry and guilt. But after tweeting twice about Santiago in January, saying he was praying for him, here’s what he’s been tweeting since (a sample):

“I see that there is a rapper with the name Q-tip. I have decided that mt rap name will be ear wax.”

“Researching underwater volcanoes in Hawaii for a screenplay that I am writing.”

“Having a “Hellraiser” marathon today. Let’s see how many I can get through lol”

“Off to Staten Island to fight to keep my attorney for my upcoming case in March. Fun fun fun.”

(That must be related to the fact that he is being charged with criminal trespass for his actions that night.)

“Enjoying a cup of hot coco at The Full Cup on Staten Island.”

“Had a nice dinner with my bestfriend. Picked up some art supplies. Headed home to NJ”

You get the idea. He’s been painting, setting up an art studio, uploading paintings and photographs, watching a lot of movies. Doesn’t sound like a guy who is at all tortured that the man who saved his life was in the hospital in critical condition.

To be completely fair, everyone reacts differently to horrible things. Let’s see if Parisen does something to redeem himself. Santiago had a troubled past, and apparently he was turning his life around and trying to reconnect with his son. Maybe there’s something Parisen could do for Santiago’s son, or to help other ex-cons trying to turn their lives around.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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