We’re Still Here

Wait, was the world supposed to end at midnight last night or is it tonight?

Anyway, while we’re all waiting, I want to draw your attention to this mind-blowingly great article in the New York Times, Snow Fall: The Avalanche at Tunnel Creek. Not only is the article stunning and so well researched, their use of multimedia is the best I have ever seen. The Times has set the bar.

I left a comment, but I rewrote part of a sentence and then forgot to go back and change the beginning. Now it has a wrong word in it and I look illiterate. This is killing me. They don’t give you a way to go back and edit. Sometimes I read an old posts of mine here and I find mistakes and cringe (and fix them). I wonder how many there are.

Parents outside a school playground. The crowd stretches further right and left, beyond the confines of this shot. I live near a school and frequently have to walk in the street to avoid these mobs of parents. It bothered me at first but I realized there wasn’t much they could do about it. The space is small, their numbers are large, and this is life in the big city. We all must do our best to accommodate each other. I wonder what they do to accommodate me?

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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2 thoughts on “We’re Still Here

  1. I totally agree…that article (and its presentation) was riveting and you don’t have to be a skier to be completely absorbed.

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