Post-Dental-Op Report: I’m Fine!

I didn’t swell to no-longer-looks-human proportions, the pain was, well, thank god for pain-killers is all I’m saying. Right now I’m home and resting comfortably and using this an excuse to eat what I want and not move around a lot. I do long to look myself again though, and something they said about “gum placement” (ew, ew, ew) made me hope that when the swelling goes down my mouth might go a little back to normal. I’ve been slightly funny looking for so long and it gets depressing after a while.

I’m looking forward to the inauguration on Monday. The balls! The outfits! I love Michelle Obama’s new hair (of course I would since it’s similar to mine).

Someone set up this table on the street, next to an entrance to a subway. Not sure why. Maybe just to give smokers a nice place to have a cigarette?

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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4 thoughts on “Post-Dental-Op Report: I’m Fine!

  1. Feel better!

    I think that table–on 14th and 6th unless there’s another one like that–belongs to the meatball place next door. Like they’re trying to create the ambiance of an old Italian grandmother’s kitchen.

  2. Melinda, you must be right! That is exactly where that table is.

    And thank you Dan and CR. I should write an article about this whole ordeal.

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