The Choral Society of Grace Church Benefit and Jeremy Denk!!

The other day, while getting ready to face the most impossible-to-please critics in New York City (people on the street) I realized, I need a haircut. But haircuts are so expensive and five minutes into thinking about how to get an affordable but great haircut my brain just shutdown. Screw it. It’s an unsolvable problem. I quit. Go write another book. That’s more do-able.

So last night, at the benefit for my choir, the Choral Society of Grace Church, I just went with “hair up.” It works. Here are some of us on the roof of the lovely Tribeca penthouse where the party was held. (It sounds like I live such a fabulous life, doesn’t it? In truth, I watch a lot of tv.)

After taking that shot I walked around to the other side of the table, pointed my camera up and took this. Can you believe this? This is someone’s view. They can take their coffee up to the roof, sit down, and gaze upon this.

Later, the mind-blowing pianist Jeremy Denk performed for us—and just how did we luck out and get the not-quite-human Jeremy Denk to play for our benefit? (Not-quite-human because really, what human can play this well?) Thank you Jeremy Denk for agreeing to do it, and thank you for visiting our planet.

I have a short video of some of his playing, but before I get to that, we had a raffle. I won something! Guess what I won. Come on. GUESS. The answer after the photo.

A haircut!! Seriously. I won a haircut at the salon of the amazingly talented fellow choir member Lisa Fiorentino. Thank you, universe! Thank you Lisa for donating this raffle prize!

And now, for the other-worldly beauty of Jeremy Denk and Robert Schumann (thank you to whoever approached Denk and made this happen).

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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6 thoughts on “The Choral Society of Grace Church Benefit and Jeremy Denk!!

  1. Thanks so much for posting this! We are in Budapest which is why I missed the party. Sounds like a good time was had by all. We will be going to Vienna next, where we will get to hear some good music -Mozart, Strauss and Rossini.

  2. OH GOD. Now I’m jealous of you! But I’m glad I was able to give you a taste of the party.

    Mary, thanks! I feel like I’m on a lucky streak, first NPR, now I win a haircut just when I need one!!

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