Best History Book of 2012: New York Diaries

According to the wonderful site Brain Pickings, Teresa Carpenter’s New York Diaries “is easily the most dynamic and important depiction of the city since E. B. White’s timeless Here Is New York.” Oh. My. God. They have proclaimed it the best history book in 2012. Congratulations Teresa and I couldn’t agree more. It really is a wonderful and important book, and Brain Pickings did a great job of showing why. Thank you, Brain Pickings!!

This is Teresa Carpenter (on the far left) and the editors and fact checkers for the book during the holidays last year. The gentlemen in the picture is Stephen Pascal, and to Stephen’s right is the fabulous and meticulous editor, Victoria Wright, and to his left, me.

Party at Teresa Carpenter's House

Here’s another shot from the party. I’m including it because it’s Christmas-y and because it was taken when I still had a decent smile (which I hope to have again some day).

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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