I need … fawns.

I am so stressed out! But happy. A piece I wrote about singing for Slate came out today. I worked very hard on this essay and I’m happy with how it came out. So YAY!

Still, I’m stressed. My friend sent me this very soothing photograph of fawns in her backyard. Can you imagine living in a place where sometimes little guys like these show up? To me this is a picture of Heaven. I want to romp with them. We need kittens though. And some pumpkin pie, and: daisies, Love’s lemon scent perfume, puppies, what the hell, any baby animal pretty much, a hammock, a nice escapist beach-type read, maybe a light rain as long as we’re all under some trees where we won’t get wet, oh and I don’t know, a million dollars. Yeah, that just might do. Oh god, I seriously need to calm down.

I’m swimming later. In the rain it looks like. But that should calm me down.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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2 thoughts on “I need … fawns.

  1. I just clicked on to the link for your article in Slate. Well done! There’s always pissants who have to leave their crappy Comments but I’m sure there are a lot more who read about the benefits and are intrigued, and even more who sing and have never been able to articulate what they get out of it and thankfully, you have given them the words and the science. I’m sure you have many, many grateful readers.

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