I changed the output resolution setting in my Time Warner DVR box to 720p and my picture went haywire and I couldn’t read the menus to put it back. Someone from Time Warner sent me the instructions (click over 4, etc.) so I should have been able to put it back without seeing the menus but it didn’t work.
Replacing that DVR box with a new one work didn’t either, but maybe the output resolution was set to 720p, which is not compatible with my tv. A technician is coming on Monday, but he’d still need to hook that box up to another tv or device to see the settings.
I can’t believe this isn’t fixable. I called the manufacturer of my tv and he said that setting has to be changed from another device, and from everything I’ve read I can’t reset this tv back to factory settings. It’s old, it’s a Panasonic CT-30WX15.
Cross your fingers for me please.
Update: I just realized, nothing is changed on my tv, my tv can’t be broken. If my tv can’t do 720p the DVR couldn’t have set it to that somehow. So the only problem is that the DVR box has settings that are not compatible with my tv. It’s the DVR that has to be fixed, not my tv. I may not have to buy a new tv!!
A quick shot of some of the members of the Choral Society of Grace Church in the gym last night, waiting to go on.