Seen to and from Choir Practice

We had an extra choir rehearsal this afternoon. This was for the people who have missed rehearsals and/or need extra help and we have a couple of them every semester. Everyone needs extra help this semester though, because what we’re singing is so challenging. (I’m looking at you, Charles Ives, and your Psalm 90. Oh, I just read that he suffered from anxiety attacks. Okay, I forgive him for the challenging music. Anxiety attacks are the worst thing in the world, I used to get them when I was in my twenties. If you’ve never had them, you just don’t know. They are horrible.)

On the way to practice I passed by pigeon man in Washington Square Park.


And on the way back, on 14th Street, I met a singer/musician named SK. He told me to take his picture because he’s going to be famous someday. I’m rooting for you, SK!


Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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