My Cat Finney has Diabetes

Which sucks. My vet believes he got it from being on steroids so we’re going to try to reverse it by weaning him mostly off them. It’s a balancing act that doesn’t usually work so much, she warned. He also has a UTI. So, poor Finney all around. I’m going to hope for the best.

Miles Swum So Far in City Lap Swim Contest: 16 + 51 laps.

This is looking down into one of the courtyards behind my building. I just thought it was such a sweet family scene. Mom and kid and a wading pool!

Backyard, New York City

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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5 thoughts on “My Cat Finney has Diabetes

  1. So sorry to hear about Finney’s diabetes and UTI. He is fortunate to have you as his owner (or whatever you call yourself! People can be very particular about this!) as you take the very best care of him… and Bleecker… and all the sweet cats who went before…

  2. Sorry to hear, but he is in “The” best hands! Looking forward to seeing you Saturday.

  3. Thank you all! And I know you meant Finney, Michael. I swear to god, all day long I’m yelling out, “Bleecker! I mean Finney!” Or, “Finney! I mean Bleecker!”

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