Thank you Amazon Reviewers
And people who email me. And read my blog. Here’s why I’m thanking you all now. I’ve been very very glad that for most of my life criticism never bothered me too much. I’m not saying I loved it, I just always got over the sting very quickly and used whatever was useful. If it was really hostile and ugly, like the kinds of things you see in comments sections now, it didn’t bother me at all.
It was a great way to be. One, because my feelings rarely got hurt, and two, I was able to get a lot of work done because I could easily ignore what wasn’t helpful.
Weirdly, I’ve become more thin-skinned as I’ve gotten older. I thought it was supposed to be the other way around. The older you get the less you care. But if I get even the smallest negative comment in a review on Amazon it will ruin my day and I’ll agonize about it until a positive review appears to “neutralize” it. (I’m putting that in quotes because that’s actually how I think!) It’s an insane way to be, I know. And it leaves me so vulnerable to bad days.
Luckily, with my book about singing, that doesn’t happen much, and people are saying the nicest most wonderful things. I’ll probably never meet most of the people leaving reviews, or who email me, but I just wanted to say thank you. You simply cannot know how much your words are appreciated and how much good they do my heart. And to the people who comment on my blog (or send me email): I also appreciate your always positive feedback and constructive comments. Very rare on the internet these days, it seems! Thank you.
The picture is of musicians preparing for a concert at the Met. I was dying to listen to them, they were going to play (and sing) music by Arvo Part, but it was sold out. It was live-streamed though so I got to hear them anyway!