New York City Lap Swim Contest Update

Quick Backstory: I’m entered in the summer lap swim contest sponsored by NYC Parks & Recreation. I have to swim at least 25 miles by August 29th. People who swim the 25 miles get a tshirt proclaiming their accomplishment. There’s also a 1st, 2nd and 3rd place prize for the man and the woman who swim the most miles in their division at their pool by August 8th. Those people also get a trophy.

I’m in the Night Owl division at the Tony Dapolito Recreation Center, so only the laps I swim there at night count. Last year I came in 3rd place.

This week is the last week for the people going for the most miles swum (swum just doesn’t sound right, is it??). I am currently in 2nd place!! As of last Friday I’ve swum 35 miles (+ 35 laps). 35-freaking-miles!! And I still have another week to add miles. Except I can’t swim tonight, I’m going to a summer sing that’s being conducted by the director of the Choral Society I belong to.

I have to repeat, though: 35 miles. I know for a serious athlete that’s nothing but for me it’s … 35-freaking-miles for the love of God!!

The pool I swim in. I took this yesterday afternoon, when only one person was swimming.

Tony Dapolito Recreation Center, New York City

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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3 thoughts on “New York City Lap Swim Contest Update

  1. 35 miles is a huge accomplishment! I can’t even drive 35 miles without cold compresses and chocolate. Good for you!

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