The Churchman Engravings

I was browsing through 19th century issues of The Churchman, an Episcopal church related publication. What got me were the incredible engravings. These aren’t even necessarily the best, but at certain points I’d think, “I should be taking pictures,” and these were the ones I was looking at when that occurred to me.

I would like to convince the Diocese to do a show of these engravings. I’d love to research the artists. A lot were unsigned, but far from all.

The last one here, of the birds, didn’t come out well. But what really got me was how mean the birds looked. The expression in their eyes, you could really feel the intent to harm! I just googled the artist of that one, Hector Giacomelli. Ah, he is well known for his engravings of birds.

The Churchman Engraving

The Churchman Engraving

The Churchman Engraving

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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