My Blogs are Now Mobile Friendly

Yesterday a friend told me that Google was now going to favor mobile friendly sites in their search results. If you go here you can see if your site is mobile friendly.

None of mine were, of course. They give you some of the reasons for that like “Mobile viewport not set,” whatever the hell that means. I spent an afternoon finding out what that and other things mean, and leaving questions all over the place for the things I couldn’t figure out when I found Google’s page about what to do if you use WordPress (which I do). I learned that Jetpack has an option to add a “mobile theme.” I’d been meaning to get around to downloading Jetpack (it replaced my existing stats program) so I got around to it, activated the mobile theme option for all my blogs and TA-DAH. They are now all mobile friendly.

It was a rare moment in my life when something was actually easy. Or, I should say, the rare moment when I noticed something in my life was easy. So yay!! Cake for everyone.

Another thing I’m pretty sure I do every spring—take a picture of the Grace Church magnolia tree. It’s the most magnificent magnolia tree in the city. That’s a member of my choir in the lower left, also taking a picture of the tree.

Magnolia Tree, Grace Church, New York City

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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2 thoughts on “My Blogs are Now Mobile Friendly

  1. It really looks like a magnificent Cherry tree.
    Magnolias have tulip like petals.

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