My Evening Snowcapade!

I had to go back out there. Okay. Now I’m impressed. My camera sucks for night shots, alas. I missed so many great shots. Damnit! I should have used my phone. I keep forgetting it has a camera because it is otherwise inferior to my regular camera.

Anyway, this is the sidewalk leading up to my apartment building.

Blizzard New York City, 2016

A lot along Hudson Street. I was shooting the icicles. We rarely see icicles.

Blizzard New York City, 2016

Walking the dog. Lots of dogs out there either looking absolutely miserable or having the time of their lives.

Blizzard New York City, 2016

What may not be immediately obvious here is I’m standing on a plowed street and the height of the snow was up to the top of my legs. You can see my shadow in the snowbank.


Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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2 thoughts on “My Evening Snowcapade!

  1. Love your snow pics – especially your sidewalk! Still, glad it was you and not us in Wisconsin. Bleh to snow!

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