Quit Making Such Great TV People, You’re Killing Us!

“The more television you watch, the greater your risk for a fatal blood clot, according to a new study.” The full article/post here.

I just binge watched Stranger Things. I was up until 3 in the morning. Thank you, Duffer brothers and everyone involved. The whole thing just made me happy. Also, thank you everyone involved in making Preacher and Brain Dead. The number of incredibly talented people out there working, and I get to benefit, except for the fatal blood clot thing, just blows my mind. It made me want to try developing a tv show again myself, except I have to finish this book first and I would like to see if I can write a great book which becomes a best seller, at least once in my life, God damnit.

I love walking through this underpass on my way to the library at the New York Academy of Medicine. I almost wrote the Academy of Music, where I went to concerts in my youth, long gone (it became the Palladium, and was later demolished by NYU).


Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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5 thoughts on “Quit Making Such Great TV People, You’re Killing Us!

  1. That photo looks like an European street scene.

    I’m watching Newsroom on Amazon Prime, but watching just one each night. God, if only our news people were like Jeff Daniel’s character.

  2. I also watched the entire 8 episodes of Stranger Things but over several nights. I wasn’t enamoured of Winona’s acting but the children were wonderful. And I finished up the first season of Preacher with an hour of Talking Preacher which was fun for me because I have not read the comics and so did not know that the whole first season was back story not in the comics! I wondered who was playing the Cowboy and discovered that it is Dougal from Outlander!!

    I haven’t seen Brain Dead but I’ll keep in mind for some other time. As for Netflix originals, have you seen Sense8? Talk about well done tv. And I just looked it up on IMDB and see a second season is coming! If you watch it, at the end of the first season, watch the ‘special’ where they explain how the filmed the whole thing. Amazing.

    I shall add extra walking outside to counteract the threat of blood clots, but I won’t give up such good entertainment.

  3. I agree that Winona is the weak link.

    And yeah, tv is just so amazing these days, an embarrassment of riches. I will check out Sense8

  4. So that’s what happened to the Academy of Music. I searched for it when I stayed in the a east Village. NYU swallowed it up.

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