A great day in America and across the world!

I’m making a movie, but here are some quick shots as well. Please note the picture of Carrie Fisher in the sign about resistance. Rest in peace, Carrie, and thanks for the inspiration.

Women's March on NYC, January 17, 2017

Putin’s puppet! So perfect. As is the next one.

Women's March on NYC, January 17, 2017

Women's March on NYC, January 17, 2017

Oh my!

Women's March on NYC, January 17, 2017

Please note the play on the Don’t Tread on Me sign in the back.

Women's March on NYC, January 17, 2017

Yes, lots of references to pee, which may not be fair. Has that story ever been verified?

Women's March on NYC, January 17, 2017

Every time a republican says something about being the party of Lincoln I want to sit them down and give them a history lesson. They are not the party of Lincoln. It was a liberal party in Lincoln’s time. Lincoln would be appalled at the depth to which his party has fallen.

Women's March on NYC, January 17, 2017

Thank you for your service, and for joining the march.

Women's March on NYC, January 17, 2017

People were still arriving as I was heading home. It was a great day. I had two unpleasant moments, one I mention in the film I’m making. Another was when one of the march volunteers said she was going to get the police to move me when I didn’t move along right away as she asked. That was a bit of a buzzkill. Except, she didn’t have an easy job and I should have just moved.

Movie coming up!

Women's March on NYC, January 17, 2017

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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6 thoughts on “A great day in America and across the world!

  1. So sad and so desperately pathetic. Get behind something positive, like jobs and opportunity. This phony racism is disastrous.

  2. It was a very positive, joyous day. It lifted the spirits of millions of people here and around the world, but I appreciate that you have a different point of view. If you are not racist, that’s great, but policies this new administration plans to introduce are. And that is just the tip of the iceberg of dangers this administration represents.

    I can’t find this great quote from this Episcopalian missionary I’ve been researching, but he said that we point out what is wrong in order to fix them. It’s a first step and it is constructive.

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