The ASPCA threw a party to celebrate the thousandth kitten we’ve taken care of at the Kitten Nursery (we’re well past that number now.) This is me blissfully doing something we are never ever allowed to do: hold a kitten without a gown, gloves, and bonnet on. (I also kissed him!)
In this shot I’m holding Gorgeous, one of the many kittens from my section. A month ago Gorgeous was a mess. He buried his head in his food as he ate, and despite my cleaning him twice a day, he lost patches of hair from the encrusted food. Because of that he was briefly a ringworm suspect. (That’ll teach you, kitten.) Gorgeous was a delight though. He was always ravenous. There is nothing more satisfying than a kitten who eats everything you put in front of him, vs the kitten who won’t eat anything leaving you stressed that you’re kill him by starving him to death.

Giselle and Iris also taking advantage of the opportunity (that’s Gorgeous again on the left).

Yeva, who is going to run the animal rescue world one day (Note to ASPCA: promote that girl) Iris, and Dylan, who is giving me his “I am on to you” look.