My Pub Date is in Six Days

I’m so stressed. You work hard, for years, and it all comes down to this day, or rather, a few short weeks. I forget what the general wisdom is about the time period, but you have something like a few weeks for something to happen, and then everyone is on to the next wave of books.

I may have an op-ed in the New York Daily News this weekend, and another on the History News Network. We shall see. I’ve done some Q&As and podcasts, which will come out soon if all goes well. And of course I’m hoping for more, and positive reviews, and appearances on the radio.

Also, I once again realized I have no clothes and have to run out and buy a few things. I’m hoping I can get away with two new shirts. I can throw those over a pair of jeans, no one cares I think, as long as your shirt is presentable, with maybe a pretty necklace.

My picture today is of fallen cherry blossoms on West 11th Street. I love walking along the streets when the blossoms begin to fall. This actually made it into my book about singing. “The best part however, is when the petals begin to fall. It makes me wish New York City were car-free. I want to be able to walk down the center of the street like I’m in the middle of my own botanical ticker-tape parade. I’d raise my arms to the skies and twirl around in this confetti-like explosion of renewal and possibility and pretend it’s all for me.”

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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